Archive for April, 2003


BLOGRAFFITI™ Yes, it’s (possibly) the new craze that’s sweeping the web. Scribble a doodle, using a handy flash paintbox, then post it along with hundreds (so far) of others, to form a massive doodle quilt. Makes for interesting, if purile (yay!) viewing.
Soon I’ll move a new system over to a new server which I’ve just got from uk2. From there it will be on, a domain I bought ages ago, to do just this sort of thing. Also, I want to find a way to get them printed on T-Shirts, like at We shall see…


MAD Mike Chambers from Macromedia’s Devnet has asked users to spoof him online, in order to win a copy of their third Developers Resource Kit (DRK3). As I’ve been dabbling with this sort of thing, I though I’d give old Mike the once-over with Flash and live XML from his blog. Have a good look around. There are loads of links to many tutorials and rescources for Flash MX.


The Wacki Iraqi SHOW! Click the image to launch the show. Yes, more homage to the man who just keeps on giving. Spare this man! He seems to have fast become a cult figure around the world, for his constant denial of everything that has happened in Iraq. He has even got his own fan site now! Enjoy.


The Wacki Iraqi constantly excels himself with true entertainment during hard times in Baghdad. I don’t know what planet he lives on, and frankly I don’t care. Just so long as he keeps on entertaining us, in his own unique way. Someone give this man a TV show when this is all over. As homage, click the image to view him in his prime. 😉


IT’S WAR! Been very, very, very busy for Auntie working on a Flash, XML-driven Multimedia Console to cover the ongoing war in Iraq.
Click the picture to launch the console. If you are a UK broadband subscriber, go to the ‘Watch/Listen’ button on the BBC News hompage (top right) and you should get the link to the broadband version with much better quality video.


AT LAST! the Sony Ericsson P800. Coo! I’ve waited for this for months. Mighty fine it is too! Click the image to view a little gallery of it. It’s great. It does all sorts of things. You can even play MAME on it! (Original arcade games) Also, I an use it to remote control my desktop PC from anywhere I can get a signal! Madness. i love it.

Who is this ‘kosso’ anyway?

I am a 'Createc'. A creative technologist, entrepreneur/ hacker/ geek. Worked on building things on the web for over 12 years.

Used to work at BBC News interactive and created the publishing and delivery systems for video news to get distributed on huge screens in major railway stations around the country.

I left the BBC to become CTO / sole-lead architect/developer at for three years.

I have now left them to build a start up a new system called 'Phreadz', which is a 'Social Multimedia Conversation Network', integrating everything that is 'V.I.T.A.L' to us on the web. Video, Images, Text, Audio and Links.

I built the whole thing my myself. I programmed every line of code and positioned every pixel. I'm looking forward to attracting an hiring new members of the team to help me out! :)

There are currently over 1000 happy and helpful beta testers on the system so far and one client of a white-labelled solution.

kosso's flickr stream

April 2003


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