iPhone Default Ringtone?


Something that I think would be interesting to know is: What will be be the default ringtone on the Apple iPhone?

Sure, these days we can all change our ringtone to anything from a cartoon yelp to a hip-hop riff, but there has to be a default. And I want to hear it now.

Apple should see this opportunity to increase brand awareness by coming up with the perfect ‘earworm’ – a bit of music or riff that you hear and cannot get out of your head – even better if it’s ‘good’ and not something annoying. 😉

UPDATE: Thanks to Derrick here it is (apparently):

I would say that many of us know the default Nokia ringtone, for example – you can hear Leo Laporte etc singing (‘dee di dee di..’ etc.) it in the theme music for TWiT. It’s a ‘classic’.

oldnoks.jpgTalking of ringtones and evolution – back in 1994, I was working for a B2B ad agency on the then recently launched mobile operator ‘Orange’. We went to the Telecom Managers Association conference in Brighton, where I met a guy who was responsible for sorting out the new handsets they would have on offer. He showed me the latest Nokia handset which they were about to launch. The classic 2nd gen black bricks they did back then. He was very excited by the fact that this model had 7 ringtones on it.

I suggested to him that it would be a great idea to have a ringtone that sounded like an old bell ringing telephone. It was a few years before this found its way into the default ringtone offering 😉 Heh.

I doubt that chat I had had anything to do with it – but it makes me smile inside everytime I hear it. 🙂

9 Responses to “iPhone Default Ringtone?”

  1. 1 Derrick February 23, 2007 at 1:10 am

    Here’s a link to an mp3 of the possible iphone default ringtone it was the default one at the keynote.

  2. 2 kosso February 23, 2007 at 2:03 am

    excellent find! thanks!

  3. 3 Torley Linden February 27, 2007 at 5:04 am

    The iPhone ringtone sounds like a cross between the famous Intel chime and the American Beauty theme, accelerated a bit. Hard to hum this though, it moves at a rather fast velocity and the polyphony throws me off.

  4. 4 kosso March 9, 2007 at 3:35 pm

    pesky polyphony!

  5. 6 Pauly June 28, 2007 at 7:57 am

    you’re still getting comment spam then

  6. 8 Sam Mancuso December 16, 2007 at 11:05 pm

    I’d love to see a feature on the iPhone where you can make any of your existing mp3s the ringtone.

  7. 9 Jason Poste April 27, 2008 at 6:55 am

    Thank you for the excellent post. I bought an iPhone recently and still figuring out how to grasp the full potential of this marvel.

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